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Bangkok Pandemonium

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Not too long ago I had pointed out how the red shirts protest will end one day. The tension had always been there and violence had already erupted last year. Now we had that pandemonium yesterday night at Khok Wua/Ratchadamnoen and so far 21 have succumbed to their injuries and more than 800 are injured, many of them will be crippled for life.

It´s strange to watch my co-workers and friends from Vajira Hospital Surgical Medical and Rescue Team on the evening news resuscitating and pushing injured protesters on the bed of our ambulance pick- ups. I am really glad I haven´t been there when all this set off in an instant.

I still try to find out what had been going on and found 4 videos that reflect most likely what it had been like at Democracy Monument yesterday night. Two of them are by a brave video blogger really risking a lot to show what was going on and how it started.
In those videos one can hear continuous fire. Even if not all of the shots fired were life rounds, the high number of injured protesters is traceable.

Check it out:

Part 1

Part 2

(in this video the ambulance car I worked my last shift on rolls through the picture)

Another video shows the gunfights:

Sensitive people better don´t watch this. It shows how a red shirt protester is shot in the head and dies instantly. It´s really shocking.


Pratu Namo



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Hello everybody
Hey :-) My name is Manuel Bierbaumer i send you this...
Manuel Bierbaumer (Gast) - 24. Aug, 16:31
Bitte melde dich mal bei uns . Wir sind ein junges...
Kiki (Gast) - 12. Jun, 14:18
Il y a encore de la place...
Il y a encore de la place chez vous je viens du luxembourg
welter patrick (Gast) - 3. Okt, 16:42



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