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Taking the voice

Every now and then the story pops up in the media though being appalling enough to be a constant top scandal of the German republic.

Two married tax fraud investigators – both young, healthy and well trained – are not permitted to work any more.
Both are compulsory pensioned.

But why? Why would a government train and hire tax fraud experts only to push them aside a couple of years later?

A board of inquiry tries to find answers to that but instead finds its work constantly obstructed by the ruling parties.

Meanwhile the state of Hesse is paying their pensions permanently with tax payer’s money and – as it seems –will for quite some more years.

Before their forced retirement agents Heiko and Tina were the ones to earn the money for Hesse.

They were good in what they were doing. In fact, they were part of the famous Frankfurt tax division squad that had uncovered big scale tax frauds by some major banks and – even more important – the illegal money scandal of the Conservative Party. In total they got their employer hundreds of millions of revenue.

But after the Conservatives came to power in Hesse in ’99 both investigators fell from favour.

In January they were transferred to a position without any tasks. There were no cases, no nothing to do for the then highly salaried officers.

For months they were asking for cases to solve, for work of any kind but nothing happened. Later they started to sort through holiday pictures and even knitted a pullover.
Eight hours alone in a room, nothing to do, nobody to talk to.

Their positions positions were advertised again.

Then, the state government send them to the psychiatrist who instantly diagnosed both of them as “paranoid” and “disabled”. But another clinic found nothing and stated a clear apperception but noted that they had suffered from the previous mobbing.

Tina is quoted in a newspaper: “They tried to take our credibility until the end of our lives. They tried to take our voice.”

She had never thought that healthy people in a constitutional state could be declared insane.
When she read the doctor´s expertise she instantly thought of the Nazi regime.

Now, new facts have arisen: Die expertises are false and invalid. The doctor who had produced them had deliberately issued them and has been ordered by court to pay 12.000 Euros fine.

The decision is valid without the state having objected.

Nevertheless, both investigators are still compulsory pensioned.


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